Do you think that it will take months or years to get benefit from yoga? You're wrong. Learn the essential yoga just in 10 days.
We know you are super busy. That's why we made the traning hours flexible.
We've got a team of highly professional yoga tutors with over 20 years experience.
You are special, the tutors will be happy to give personal attention to you.
Don't wait. Join the Essential Yoga classes specifically crafted for busy people. Just spend 15 minutes daily for yoga and feel the change yourself. There are 1000s of people already benefit from the 10 days yoga class. Join Now.
Learn essential yoga
Spend 15 minutes a day
Develops and equlibra your chakras
Learn seven energy levels
Refreshens your body and soul
Learn meditation techniques
Heal your emotions, be happy
Transform your thinking habits
Strengthen your health and body
Learn about ayurvedic medicines
Studied and applied in everyday life
and much more...
Learn the nitty gritty of yoga. This is a basic course which outlines the yoga and meditation.
This course is for those who completed basic course which is mainly for meditation.
A yoga package especially for pregnant ladies who wants a natural pain-less birth.
Learn the difficult yoga poses from the experts. You must be physically fit to attend.
Basic yoga and meditation for beginners by kathy
Surya Namaskar & Advanced Meditation
Weekly Yoga Group practice by Miller
Advanced yoga and Meditation (Expert level)
Kathy has been practicing yoga for the past five years. She is a Graduate yoga teacher of International Yoga Centre.
She says — "Yoga has nourished my mind, body and spirit and given me the inner peace and harmony that I have long been searching for in order to be able to operate at my optimum in a busy world"
Kathy says yoga has changed the quality of her life for the better in many ways. She credits her asana, pranayama and meditation practices with providing the clarity and calmness of mind. She teaches Yoga Business, Ethics for Yoga, Classroom Management and Teaching Methodology.
The map and Contact details are listed within the contact information. You may also call to get more accurate details.
Sure. Our instructors will warn before doing difficult yoga poses for medical conditions. So keep away from doing that yoga.
All payments are processed via PayPal. You may also pay at the centre. But please call us to reserve your seat.
Yes. The first day of your yoga class is completely free. You may cancel your payment if you are not satisfied.
The practice of Yoga Ancient allowed me to have access to new ways of meeting the challenges of professional life, in a more constructive, focused and conscious way. This is one of the best desicion I've made in my life.
The atmosphere is really fun, relaxed and welcoming. Instructors are awesome, very friendly and technically perfect. Now I daily pratice essential yoga and meditation. Its worth it. Don't think again. Go for it.
Our Address
Noixx, Utxxx Praxxxx 201xxx
Contact Us
+1 800 787 7xxx
Classes Timetable
7 to 9 am on Weekdays
9 to 12 noon on Weekends